45 Baby Nursery Decorating Tips
Before your little bundle of joy comes home to join your household, get some ideas from this ’45 Baby Nursery Decorating Tips to get ready in welcome your addition with a few handy hints on how to decorate your nursey, Don’t get overwhelmed in how to go about do it.
What requirements does a nursery have? And most importantly, where do you start? In this booklet you will get tips and ways to decorate your nursery so it is safe, friendly and soothing to your baby.
Exaple of tip 36 – Footprints
Footprints are just as important as handprints. They can also be done
with different colored paints and made into a flower garden alongside
of the handprints. Or they could be lined up with rainbow colors and
formed into a rainbow. The most important thing is to use their name
and date.
This eBook has a special bargain price of only $2.00
Some of Table of Contents
1: To determine Gender or Not
2: Neutral, Please
3: Noah’s Ark
4: Stars & Moons
5: ABC
6: Jungle
Above are just 6 of the articles that are covered in the ebook as well as articles on ‘The Necessities’ and ‘Other Fun Ways to Decorate’.
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